AW[eb][fb][gb][dc][ec][bd][cd][dd][ae][be][cf][df]AB[bb][cb][db][ac][bc][fc][gc][ad][ed][fd][ef][ff]C[Black to win the game.]
;B[eg]C[RIGHT Correct. Now you can try ferdi's original problem and learn from the difference.])
;B[eg]C[RIGHT Correct. Now you can try ferdi's original problem and learn from the difference.])
;W[ab]LB[ca:A]C[Black has no ko threat, and he can not play at A.])
;W[ab]LB[ca:A]C[Black has no ko threat, and he can not play at A.]))
;B[eg]C[RIGHT Correct. Now you can try ferdi's original problem and learn from the difference.]))
;W[ea]C[The best black can get from here is jigo.])
;W[da]C[Black is dead.])
;W[da]C[Black is dead.])
;W[da]C[Black is dead.]))