(;AB[ac]AB[bc]AB[cc]AB[ad]AW[ae]AW[bf]AW[bd]AW[cd]AW[dd]AW[dc]AW[ec]AB[db]AB[eb]AB[fc]AB[gc]AB[hb]AB[ha]AB[ia]AB[fd]AB[fe]AB[ed]AW[ee]AW[df]AW[ff]AW[gf]AW[ge]AW[he]AW[hd]AW[hc]AW[ic]AW[ib]AW[ja]AW[kb]C[White to break in with good result]AW[fb]AB[gb]AP[goproblems]
(;W[cb]C[Navigate solution to see black's wiser answerRIGHT])
(;B[cb]C[one of black's better answers, though not quite the best];W[gd];B[ea];W[ga];B[ba]C[24 points sente])
(;B[ca];W[gd];B[ea];W[ga]C[slightly better than c18]))
(;W[bb]C[not the best way to kill and not the most points...])
(;W[ab]C[not the best way to break in, and in gote])
(;W[bb]C[not the best way to break in, and in gote])))
(;W[ca];B[cb]C[missed your chance...])
(;W[gd];B[fa]C[that's not breaking in...])