This is a reverse engineering problem, which means you have the result of a joseki on the board, and you have to work out in which order the moves were played. The correct solution will be symmetrical across the line drawn with triangles. This is an experimental type of problem, so please add a comment telling whether you would like to see more problems of this type or not. Also, please tell if you have any suggestions for improving the presentation.
Author Bass Created 2004-10-18
Difficulty 19 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 42 sec Stars 3.83  (41 votes)
User attempts 9981 / 19399 Collections Reverse engineering
Genre joseki Your attempts N/A
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Created 2004-10-18
Source N/A
Stars 3.83  (41 votes)
Collections Reverse engineering
Your attempts N/A