(;SZ[19]AW[dd]AW[op]AW[qp]AB[oc]AB[qd]AB[dp]LB[fc:A]LB[jc:B]LB[cf:C]LB[cj:D]LB[qj:E]LB[cn:F]LB[fq:G]LB[jq:H]LB[mq:I]C[best move for blackFORCE]GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]ST[2]RU[Japanese]KM[0.00]
(;B[qj]C[RIGHT];W[ql]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. See also problem 762];B[oj]C[good :) black moyo is so bigRIGHT])
(;B[fc];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[jc];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[cf];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[cj];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[cn];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[fq];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[jq];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.])
(;B[mq];W[qj]LB[qj:E]C[E is key point for both sides. Compare with solusion.]))