AB[hn][in][kn][ln][ho][jo][lo][ip][jp][kp][ir][jr][kr][is][ks]C[Black to live. FORCE]
(;B[jn];W[jq]LB[jn:A][io:E][ko:E]TR[hp][lp]C[RIGHT You had to occupy 'A' to get 2 true eyes. A white play here would have made the 2 marked eyes false, whilst connecting with the group below gives only 1 true eye. Notice the relation that 'A' makes with the triangled stones. You blocked a
double 'Eye Stealing Tesuji'.])
(;B[jq];W[jn]LB[io:F][ko:F]TR[hp][lp]CR[jn]C[Your whole group is dead, as you have only 1 true eye. The relation between the circled stone and the triangled stones, makes both marked eyes false. White's play at 'K6' is a
double 'Eye Stealing Tesuji'.]))