Short Go joke : - White : "Your group is damezumari." - Black : "Huh? What does that mean in my language?" - White : "That you are dead. :-)" The definition of this word and a lot of other japanese expressions related to Go (WeiChi) can be found on
Author karmaGfa Created 2003-07-28
Difficulty 25 kyu (history) Source My game in a club in Taipei
AVG solve time 27 sec Stars 4.04  (28 votes)
User attempts 24301 / 37587 Collections Amateur Game, Kosumi Edge Liberty
Genre best move Your attempts N/A
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Created 2003-07-28
Source My game in a club in Taipei
Stars 4.04  (28 votes)
Collections Amateur Game, Kosumi Edge Liberty
Your attempts N/A