This is my first problem, so I thought I'd do an elementary one. This one may have more solutions if played far enough, but I thought I'd keep it basic. Flame me if there's something wrong.
GN[White (W) vs. Black (B)]
SY[Cgoban 1.9.2]
C[Don't let the black stones in the middle escape]
(;W[ih];B[hi]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ii];B[jh]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[dc];B[ji]AW[cd][ed][de]C[Successful backstab! Too bad black's middle group escaped!])
(;W[cc];B[ji]AB[cd][dc][bd][db][bc][bb][cb]C[An assassin, how sneaky! Guards! Arrest him!!])
(;W[hj];B[ik]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ik];B[hj]C[Black threatens the white stone and has time to escape.])
(;W[ki]C[RIGHTAfter months of fighting, black troops catch Shicho-disease. Very deadly!])
(;W[id];B[je]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[je];B[id]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[ch];B[di]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[di];B[ch]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[cf];B[de]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[de];B[cf]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ih];B[hi]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ii];B[jh]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[hj];B[ik]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ik];B[hj]C[Black threatens the white stone and has time to escape.])
(;W[ij];B[jg]C[Blacks liberties allow him to cut through white's lines. White can do better.])
(;W[id];B[je]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[je];B[id]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[ih];B[hi]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ii];B[jh]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[hj];B[ik]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ik];B[hj]C[Black threatens the white stone and has time to escape.])
(;W[ij];B[jg]C[Blacks liberties allow him to cut through white's lines. White can do better.])
(;W[id];B[je]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[je];B[id]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[ch];B[di]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[di];B[ch]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[cf];B[de]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[de];B[cf]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[ch];B[di]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[di];B[ch]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])
(;W[cf];B[de]C[Black connects and is safe.])
(;W[de];B[cf]C[Black gains enough liberties to fight back.])