This surreal game was recently played on Korean TV with a fast time limit. Yi Setol seems to have landed himself in an impossible position by starting a ladder that doesn't work. Ladder breakers are useful tools: threaten to make the ladder work by playing a stone somewhere along the way. Sure enough, the ladder ends near a sensitive area of the board, and it seems like such a move might be possible. But where's the ladder breaker in this situation?
Author adum Created 2003-04-28
Difficulty 6 dan (history) Source Hong Jansik vs Yi Setol
AVG solve time 49 sec Stars 3.43  (7 votes)
User attempts 326 / 2395 Collections Stories, Ladder, Pro Game
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2003-04-28
Source Hong Jansik vs Yi Setol
Stars 3.43  (7 votes)
Collections Stories, Ladder, Pro Game
Your attempts N/A