(;SZ[3]LB[bb:X]C[please think there is no tengen on this board. and no komi.FORCE]AP[goproblems]
(;B[ba]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])
(;B[ba]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[bc]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])
(;B[bc]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[ba]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])
(;B[bc]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])))
(;B[ca]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[ac]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])
(;B[ab]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[cb]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT]))
(;B[ca]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[ac]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.FORCERIGHT])
(;B[ac]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[ca]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.FORCERIGHT])
(;B[ba]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[bc]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT])
(;B[ac]LB[bb:X]C[FORCE];W[ca]LB[bb:X]C[tie is the best in this case.RIGHT]))))