(;AB[pa]AB[pb]AB[qc]AB[rb]AB[qd]AB[qe]AB[re]AB[sd]AW[oa]AW[ob]AW[oc]AW[pc]AW[pd]AW[pe]AW[pf]AW[qf]AW[rf]AW[sf]AW[se]AW[ra]TR[ra]C[White has just played the triangled stone. Black to defend the best way he can.]AP[goproblems]
(;B[sb];W[qb];B[rc]C[Alive in gote, but White has 4 points while you have only 2. White recaptures at the marked stone if you take that.]TR[qb])
(;B[rc];W[qb];B[sb]C[Alive in gote, but White has 4 points while you have only 2. White recaptures at the marked stone if you take that.]TR[qb])
(;B[rd];W[sb]C[Sente seki. If White plays ar R19 then Black T19, White S19 and the position is the same as now - but White lost another point.RIGHT])
(;B[sb];W[rd]C[Black has only one eye now.])
(;B[rc];W[rd]C[Ko for life, White takes first. Black can do better.]))
(;B[qa];W[qb]C[Oops. Snapback.])
(;B[rd]C[Seki. Not the best Black can do.])
(;B[rc];W[rd]C[Ko, White takes first.]))
(;B[qa];W[qb]C[Black is dead.])
(;B[rc]C[Dead in gote. If you take the marked stone White replays there to capture 3 of yours.]TR[qb])
(;B[sb]TR[qb]C[Dead in gote. If you take the marked stone White replays there to capture 3 of yours.]))
(;B[sc]C[Dead in gote. If you take the marked stone White replays there to capture 3 of yours.]TR[qb])