(;AB[qp]AB[op]AB[nq]AB[qk]AB[pk]AB[ok]AB[nl]AB[nj]AB[mj]AW[pj]AW[oj]AW[ni]AW[qm]AW[om]AW[lm]AW[mn]AW[lp]C[Black to play. Cut White to connect your two groups.]AP[goproblems]
(;W[pm]C[White resists....CHOICE];B[nm];W[nn];B[on]C[White is punished for trying to save his stone.RIGHT])
(;W[on];B[pm]C[White comprimises. Black catches a stone and connects his two groups.RIGHT]))
(;B[on];W[oo];B[pn];W[po];B[pm];W[qn];B[pl];W[qo]C[This cut does not work since this is an awful result for Black. When white pushes through with wQ5 Black's stones in the corner are severely weakened.]TR[po])
(;B[nn];W[nm]TR[lm]TR[mn]TR[om]C[White's kosumi keima is very strong. This cut does not work.])
(;B[pm];W[pn]C[Black has no good follow up. This cut does not work.])
(;W[oo]C[White has a stronger response than this,. at Q6.]
(;B[nm];W[nn]C[This is the other variation if Black cut the keima first.];B[pn];W[po];B[pm];W[qn];B[pl];W[qo]C[This cut does not work since this is an awful result for Black. When white pushes through with wQ5 Black's stones in the corner are severely weakened.]TR[po])
(;B[pm];W[pn]C[This cut does not work ...]
(;W[nn]C[This is the wrong response by white, because ...];B[po];W[nm];B[pm]C[Black gets a good result.])
(;W[nm]C[];B[pm];W[no];B[po]C[This is very similar to the simpler comprimise variation, where Black plays Q6 first, but this is bad play by white. White could actually live in the corner.]TR[pn])
(;W[po]C[This White response has some unfavorable variations for White so White should not play this way as this becomes complicated.]
(;W[nn]C[This response by White gives Black too good a result.];B[pn];W[nm];B[pm])
(;W[nm]C[This response by White seems a bit too good for Black as Black ends in sente.];B[pm];W[pn];B[pl];W[oo];B[po];W[nn];B[qn];W[on])
(;W[pn]C[A strong response by White. Thanks to kaf.CHOICE];B[nm]C[]
(;W[oo]C[CHOICE];B[nn];W[pp];B[pq];W[po];B[no];W[qq]C[White lives inside black's territory. Thanks to kaf for this variation.]))))