I finally found a practical application for a shape I'd been working on in my head. I haven't seen this particular tactic on the site, but if it is, sorry.
PW[Igowin]PB[Wervyn]AW[ca][ga][ha][cb][gb][bc][cc][hc][bd][fd][gd][hd][ae][be][ge][ff][gf][cg][dg][eg][gg][bh][gh][gi]AB[da][fa][db][fb][dc][ec][fc][gc][cd][ed][ce][ee][fe][af][bf][cf][ef][bg][fg][ch][dh][eh][fh][fi]C[Black is down by a point. How can she win? (No captures have been made.)]
(;B[ba]CR[ba]C[RIGHT Now THAT'S sneaky. White has 15 to your 20, now.])
(;B[bb]CR[bb]C[Why throw away stones?])
(;B[aa]CR[aa]C[Wasted effort]))
(;B[ac]CR[ac]C[White loses the corner and the game.])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[No, that wasn't it...])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[Yeah, and?])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[There WAS a point to that, right?]))
;B[ba]CR[ba]C[Bent five in the corner?])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[Ooh, so close.])
;W[aa]CR[aa]C[Black wins since she has ko threats and white doesn't, but this is rather tedious.]))
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[Winners don't do drugs.]))
;B[ba]CR[ba]C[Bent five in the corner?])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[No, that wasn't it...])
;W[aa]CR[aa]C[Okay, now what?])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[It seemed like a good idea at the time...]))
(;W[ad]CR[ad]C[Um...crack kills, mmkay?]))
;W[ab]CR[ab]C[Is there a pattern here?])
;W[ac]CR[ac]C[Well, THAT was stupid...])
;W[hb]CR[hb]C[While not necessarily wrong, as it forces white to reply, this doesn't accomplish anything and wastes a ko threat.])
(;B[df]CR[df]C[These stones are already captured. There is no need to waste a move and decrease your own territory.]))