I finally decided to try and add a joseki problem. Since this is my first, please be a bit lenient. Joseki is one of my weaker categories, so I may be missing several variations or I might have gotten the result wrong. Please inform me if I did. Also to note, this joseki is very common yet somehow I didn't find any variant of this on the site. Well, enjoy! IMPORTANT: If any stronger (dan) players can help me, I would like to know white's best response to the black cut right away. Or maybe it is a good move for black as punishment. Either way the variations can get a little complex. I have currently blocked the cut due to a lack of variations and/or correct ones. The same applies with direct connections. I am not quite sure how white should best respond to those too and whether or not the result is good. Thanks in advance!
Author DarkSycthe Created 2010-05-27
Difficulty 1 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 44 sec Stars 2  (10 votes)
User attempts 312 / 1180 Collections Corner based, Timing
Genre joseki Your attempts N/A
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Created 2010-05-27
Source N/A
Stars 2  (10 votes)
Collections Corner based, Timing
Your attempts N/A