White has three one point moves to choose from. Look carefully, and you'll notice they are all gote. One of those points is sente for black though, so a white play there is called reverse sente. If you can find the reverse sente move, you will gain extra profit. The size of this extra profit will be a whole point :-)
Author Bass Created 2010-03-26
Difficulty 11 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 79 sec Stars 4.15  (13 votes)
User attempts 1748 / 4549 Collections 7x7 Endgames, Reverse sente basics
Genre endgame Your attempts N/A
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Created 2010-03-26
Source N/A
Stars 4.15  (13 votes)
Collections 7x7 Endgames, Reverse sente basics
Your attempts N/A