There are two kinds of gote moves: those that prevent a sente move by the opponent (called reverse sente), and those that do not. The first kind sometimes (but not always) gives an extra profit. (You can peek at for details if you want to.)
Here A is a 4 point gote play, and B is a 3 point reverse sente play. Which one is better?
(;SZ[7]AW[fa]AW[db]AW[fb]AW[bc]AW[dc]AW[fc]AW[dd]AW[ed]AW[fd]AW[ce]AW[de]AW[ef]AB[ca]AB[da]AB[cb]AB[eb]AB[ac]AB[cc]AB[ec]AB[bd]AB[cd]AB[be]AB[bf]AB[cf]AB[df]C[No komi, no prisoners, white to play and win.]LB[ea:A]LB[dg:B]GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]ST[2]RU[Japanese]KM[0.00]PW[White]PB[Black]PL[W]
(;W[ea];B[eg];W[fg];B[dg]C[FORCE];W[ff]C[White wins by 1 point. Black gets sente in the end, but there is nowhere to play anymore.RIGHT])
(;W[ea]C[];B[eg]C[You should not play D1 unless you plan to connect at E1 too.]
(;W[fg];B[ff];W[dg];B[fe]C[White loses the whole corner.])
(;W[ff];B[fg];W[gf]C[Black wins by 1 point.]))
(;W[eg];B[ea]C[Only jigo. White has sente now, but there is no endgame left, so the reverse sente profit was zero.]))
(;W[eg];B[ea];W[dg];B[cg]C[Only jigo.]))