There are two kinds of gote moves: those that prevent a sente move by the opponent (called reverse sente), and those that do not. The first kind sometimes (but not always) gives an extra profit. (You can peek at for details if you want to.) Here A is a 4 point gote play, and B is a 3 point reverse sente play. Which one is better?
Author Bass Created 2010-03-26
Difficulty 10 kyu (history) Source N/A
AVG solve time 69 sec Stars 3.32  (19 votes)
User attempts 1273 / 3432 Collections 7x7 Endgames, Reverse sente basics
Genre endgame Your attempts N/A
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Created 2010-03-26
Source N/A
Stars 3.32  (19 votes)
Collections 7x7 Endgames, Reverse sente basics
Your attempts N/A