PW[White]PB[Black]AW[an][bn][cn][dn][do][eo][fo][go][ho][io][dp][cq]AB[ao][bo][co][cp][ep][fp][gp][hp][ip][dq]LB[dp:A][cq:B]C[White pushed with A, Black played
elsewhere, and White cut with B.
What can Black do?]
White's push at A only generates
potential ko threats.])
;W[ar]CR[ar]C[Black has given up too much.])
;W[ar]CR[ar]C[Black has given up too much.])
;W[ar]CR[ar]C[White is happy with a ko.]))
;W[bp]CR[bp]C[Black has given up too much.]))
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[White is happy with ko and an internal
ko threat.])
;W[eq]CR[eq]C[Black lives in the corner, but has
given too much by letting White in.])
;W[eq]CR[eq]C[Black lives in the corner, but has
given up too much letting White in.]))
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[Black has given up too much.])
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[Black has given up too much.]))
;W[bs]CR[bs]C[White is ahead in liberties and
takes the corner.])
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[Black has given up too much.]))
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[Black has given up too much.])
;W[ap]CR[ap]C[Black has given up too much.]))
;W[dq]CR[dq]C[Black has given up too much.])
;W[fq]CR[fq]C[The four black stones can not
escape; Black has given up too much.])))
;W[br]CR[br]C[Black has given up too much.])))