After white takes the ko for the top left corner, Mok threatens with 1 to use the 133rd move of the game to occupy the lower left quadrant. When white ignores and settles the ko with 2, which of the moves A through H should black play given the global position?
Author Zwom Created 2005-05-08
Difficulty 7 dan (history) Source Mok JinSeok (b)vs. Lee Changho (w) (3-30-04)
AVG solve time 43 sec Stars 3.09  (11 votes)
User attempts 940 / 4960 Collections Pro Game, Ko / Ko Threats
Genre fuseki Your attempts N/A
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Created 2005-05-08
Source Mok JinSeok (b)vs. Lee Changho (w) (3-30-04)
Stars 3.09  (11 votes)
Collections Pro Game, Ko / Ko Threats
Your attempts N/A