This is from a game between Hashimoto Shoji 9-dan (white) and Hisai Keishi 9-dan. The rest of the board is pretty much played out, so now Hashimoto just squeezes out the last remaining points..
Author Bass Created 2004-08-06
Difficulty 5 dan (history) Source pro game
AVG solve time 43 sec Stars 4.38  (8 votes)
User attempts 736 / 3858 Collections Middle based, Under the Stones, Pro Game, Snapback, Irregular Tesuji
Genre endgame Your attempts N/A
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Created 2004-08-06
Source pro game
Stars 4.38  (8 votes)
Collections Middle based, Under the Stones, Pro Game, Snapback, Irregular Tesuji
Your attempts N/A