Another tripod group variation. White has gotten the marked stones in sente, thanks to a black invasion on the right side. How should she now attack the corner? Thanks to Gognomen for the idea, though he may not realize it.
Author shaydwyrm Created 2004-07-06
Difficulty 13 kyu (history) Source KGS, WuQingyuan vs pinger
AVG solve time 60 sec Stars 4.42  (26 votes)
User attempts 2368 / 6631 Collections Amateur Game, Basic Shape, Corner based, Tripod
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2004-07-06
Source KGS, WuQingyuan vs pinger
Stars 4.42  (26 votes)
Collections Amateur Game, Basic Shape, Corner based, Tripod
Your attempts N/A