Many go players dislike ko fights; understandably so, for they are forced not only to think about the local situation, which is likely to be complicated enough, but to weigh it against all the ko threats available to both players, to weigh those ko threats against each other, and preferably to do so before the ko begins. It follows, therefore, that if you can start a ko fight that you have a fair chance of winning, you may have scored a psychological, as well as a tactical, triumph. There are many simple tesuji for causing ko. Consider the following:
Author vougalar Created 2015-02-25
Difficulty 11 kyu (history) Source Elementary Go Series, Volume 3
AVG solve time 47 sec Stars 3.2  (10 votes)
User attempts 829 / 1859 Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Genre best move Your attempts N/A
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Created 2015-02-25
Source Elementary Go Series, Volume 3
Stars 3.2  (10 votes)
Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Your attempts N/A