I just played this game and made a mistake a few moves back, allowing black to play at T11 and threaten to take the marked white stones and in doing so also tip the game in his favor. However i found a way to save them and closed out the game up by 30 or so points. This is my first created problem so forgive me if it has some hitches.
Author Gremlin37 Created 2012-07-06
Difficulty 19 kyu (history) Source KGS GO Server match
AVG solve time 114 sec Stars 4.17  (35 votes)
User attempts 3422 / 6580 Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Genre life and death Your attempts N/A
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Created 2012-07-06
Source KGS GO Server match
Stars 4.17  (35 votes)
Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Your attempts N/A