I played a few things thinking that N6 would be safe with O7 as back-up. But when I played N6, I realized that it doesn't work, I misread! But I guess, in an effort to be fancy, black played an odd move that helped white! So remember, sometimes it pays to stick with the basics.
Author Bleedo Created 2007-12-18
Difficulty 8 kyu (history) Source Lament vs. Adebayok
AVG solve time 74 sec Stars 2.8  (10 votes)
User attempts 985 / 3018 Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Genre best move Your attempts N/A
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Created 2007-12-18
Source Lament vs. Adebayok
Stars 2.8  (10 votes)
Collections Ko / Ko Threats
Your attempts N/A