WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2013-09-26 08:01:03MatrokNeeds FixingAs it is, it is unsettled: white has two cutting points that will work if the shicho is good for him.
2014-09-19 22:07:31nonsense001Needs Fixing
2014-10-17 07:42:40BartTMInvalidAs it stands there is no solution.
2015-06-21 16:04:47jointInvalidfor seki B must add Q19 or 18
2016-03-08 22:23:30fuggyNeeds Fixingthis is not seki
2016-04-11 18:29:02gomaster135Well Constructed
2017-09-01 21:41:52CowWell Constructed
2018-04-07 02:52:31Onishi TNeeds Fixing