WhenUserFlag TypeDescription
2012-08-07 10:13:48pentoNeeds FixingThere are many more correct sequences for the semeai. I keep getting the problem 'wrong' because of playing the semeai in a different order.
2014-10-05 02:03:34CowNeeds FixingThe order in which you take the outside liberties does not matter, still some are wrongly "off path", aka missing as correct branches.
2016-02-24 16:35:55ThumbInvalidSee comments
2016-04-14 19:31:37cornersNeeds Fixingliberty order
2018-02-16 04:57:25gomaster135Well Constructed
2018-11-24 05:25:57malNeeds Fixingequivalent move neither blocked nor pathed
2019-06-19 16:33:23hippophileNeeds Fixingobviously the order of liberties taken is too loose
2023-04-24 14:51:55b_geckoNeeds Fixingliberties choices