[bug] Watching problem attempts count as attempt.

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Post by Cow »

First of all sorry for the topic-name. It sounds stupid, but I couldn't figure out how to describe it better since my english-skills are even worse than my go-skills. ;-)
I am not sure I should call it a bug, but when it is not it is a 'feature' I don't think is any helpfull.
When I used the "View problem attempts"-feature and navigated through it to see what variations were tried but I didn't cover it was counted as an attempt. Since of course all of these 'attempts' end in 'failure' I can't see the idea behind it.


{Posted by Cow}
Field Mouse

Post by Field Mouse »

I guess the reason is to prevent cheating - someone could look into the attempts first, then solve the problem

Field Mouse

{Posted by Field Mouse}
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