Navigate Solution suggestion

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Post by cheyenne »

It would be nice to have a comment tag that would only be displayed when in the navigate solution mode. This could be used when explaining the reason for the moves that you might not want to see when trying to solve a problem.

Possible implementation:

C[normal text -NAV-]


C[Please pick A or B -NAV-]


{Posted by cheyenne}

Post by admin »

that's an interesting idea. but couldn't you for the most part just include the comment on the first node of the alternate branch? instead of saying "A is normal, B is an option", you could have "this is an option" on the first node of the be branch.


{Posted by admin}

Post by cheyenne »

Well.. I'm thinking of the case where the commentary might give away too much of a solution, but might be valuable when go through and looking at the problem once one has either succeeded or just given up in failure.

For example, say that the first move is critical, but to keep the problem interesting it might take several moves to discover why one's choice was wrong. So.. it would be nice to be able to put a comment where it made sense (at the beginning) that explains why that move was critical, etc.

{Posted by cheyenne}

Post by Spica »

If you put comments you don't want people to read during normal play on the human moves in the sgf rather than on the applet moves they go by too fast to read during normal play (the applet moves immediately) but can be seen when navigating the solution. Obviously not ideal for you but may be an option until something better comes along.



{Posted by Spica}
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